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  • CuriousIshaanGuruMommy

Superfood, nutrient dense, antioxidant rich, immune boosting, complete but tasty vegetarian salad

Originally Published on Facebook on July 26, 2020

Superfood, nutrient dense, antioxidant rich, immune boosting, complete but tasty vegetarian salad (can be made vegan too with a very slight twist):

Food can have immense impact on our body and minds as we all know. Immune boosting food and superfoods especially, as I have experienced, are life changing. As in most forums today people are discussing about food and especially superfoods that can help them have a better health, I thought of sharing some of my suggestions.

Today I am going to share two salad recipes. Most of us when we hear about salads, the picture that pops up in our minds is that of boring leafy heathy bowl that we can eat on few instances but struggle to enjoy it on daily basis making it a part of our meals. We think of adding sometimes unhealthy dressings to make it more palatable which ultimately destroys the very reason for which we look to eat salads. Especially with kids, salad is very unpopular and they would never want to eat it over other options available, let alone eating it on a daily basis as part of their meals. So, hold on to your thoughts as I present an exciting take on salads - superfood, nutrient dense, antioxidant rich, immune boosting, complete but tasty vegetarian salad.

Salad for breakfast/brunch – Sprouted moong salad with nuts, seed and super garnishing

- Sprouted Moong is the base here. Make sure the quality of moong is great and it is recommended by the brand particularly for sprouting. We had tried to eat it in the past but uneven sprouting was a big put off. The feeling of suddenly finding a hard moong seed in the mouth along with the soft sprouted ones and biting on it with our teeth, mostly would mean being too conscious and careful while eating to avoid those – a complete deal breaker! So, make sure that the quality is good and you have near 100% seeds being sprouted. (aff)

This is a plant-based protein that is also rich is antioxidants (which is only possible with plant-based protein)

- Add Nuts, Almonds (soaked overnight and peeled) and Walnuts. If you like any other nuts, you can add it too but make sure its roasted and unsalted if possible.

- Add Seeds – alternate between sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds (read more about seed cycling online). Again, go for raw and unsalted seeds.

- Top it up with delicious and healthy Makhana (Fox nuts) roasted in organic grass-fed cow Ghee. For those who are vegan, alternatively use oil of your choice.

- For those having desi taste buds and who like to have some spicy flavor, you can sprinkle some Haldiram Bhujia (but don’t go overboard with it )

- Finally, the most important part in a way, as it will make you like this salad so much that you will want to have it and look forward to it daily, is the garnishing. This will open up the taste buds and make this yummy, delightful and tasty. For garnishing add chopped fine onion, ginger juliennes, chopped fine green chillies, chopped cilantro, finely diced cucumber, twist of lemon juice and sprinkle some black salt to taste.

Salad for dinner – veggies with tadka of curry leaves

- You can use some fresh veggies that you like to eat raw. But we have used carrots and cucumber chopped to your liking. - For protein you can add organic feta cheese or boiled chickpeas. (optional) as our dinner has protein already.

- The secret superfood ingredient is the curry leaves for us. Make a tadka with organic grass-fed cow Ghee, mustard seeds and curry leaves and add to the salad.

- The superfood which can easily be included are the hempseeds. Sprinkle over the salad. (aff)

- Finally, for the garnishing add chopped fine onion, ginger juliennes, chopped fine green chillies, chopped cilantro, twist of lemon juice and sprinkle some black salt to taste.

Also swipe below on options to add for your complete breakfast/brunch. E.g. Tomato Basil Mozarella(fresh) (our own take on TBM sandwich) sandwich made with whole wheat bread, veggies loaded omelet/besan chilla and our favorite seasonal mango.

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