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Boost your immunity | Tangy Super Chutneys | Superfoods

Posted on Facebook on Apr 25, 2020

Boost your immunity | Vitamins C, D and Zinc | Tangy Super Chutneys | Superfoods

Boosting our immunity is on top of most of our minds. Some of the traditional Indian foods or rather superfoods have tremendous amounts of some of the key Vitamins and Minerals that play key role in boosting our immunity. Not surprisingly these are some of the foods that have been eaten in traditional Indian cuisine or rather the ubiquitous home cooked food for ages. Even though most of the food items I will mention further in my post today are very commonplace items especially in rural /semi-urban India, we often overlook them for the immense source of immunity right in our own backyard. As it is said “Ghar ki murgi daal barabar” . Come let’s rediscover our heritage and food that is sheer elixir in such times.

I have already stressed more than enough on the importance of Vitamin D in my previous post. Also in my post on superfoods, have highlighted how vital Zinc is for our immune system function alongwith Vitamin D and Vitamin C. My post has more details but some of the superfoods that have substantial amounts of Zinc alongwith other Vitamins and Minerals are Sesame seeds, Pumpkin seeds and Hemp Seeds. There I also have suggestions on how to creatively include these in our day to day diet. Will delve into importance of Vitamin C today. We all mostly fallback on Vitamin C whenever we think of boosting our immunity and fighting infections. This really is the main Vitamin linked to immunity. Obviously do your own research and/or consult your doctor on any changes to bring about for your health related to these.

Chutneys recipes (made from Superfoods with truckloads of Vitamin C):

1) Amla Chutney (Gooseberry) Practitioners of Indian medicine have recognized the health benefits of gooseberries for centuries, and this ancient fruit has been used to cure and prevent health ailments with great success. In fact, 100 grams of fresh amla berries provide around 10 to 30 times the vitamin C content of an orange! It indeed is the superfood for those looking for Vitamin C. You can make sweet and tangy Chutney with jaggery (“Gud” and another superfood), or spicy Chutney with Coriander, or can include in your smoothie. Below see below our smoothie video to which now we are adding amla.

2) Tamatar ki Chutney (Tomato) Tomatoes is very well known for multiple benefits especially though for lycopene and others but it is also loaded with Vitamin C. Swipe below on the pictures to see the ingredients of our chutney and this can be a great complement to anything you are eating. This is a recipe that will open up your taste buds as it is bursting with taste and flavor and people of all ages would love it. Ishaan especially has just fallen in love with this Chutney. An otherwise not so spicy eater, he has taken a special unlikely liking for this. So much so that even though this is certainly above the spice level that he enjoys, he doesn’t stop eating eat till he finishes his food. You can though temper the spice level as per your liking.

3) Dhania Patta Chutney (Cilantro) Now this one certainly does not need any introduction at all. Hands down the most famous Indian chutney ever!

We are now officially becoming a family that loves its Chutneys. Chutney khao Immunity badhao!

* Some other great sources of vitamin C are spinach, kale, broccoli, strawberries, lemons, oranges, peppers, cauliflower.

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